EGLE SPHRP Grant Agreement
Contract 3: Grinder Pump Station Rehabilitation - Sealed Bids will be received by Lake Mitchell Sewer Authority at 3161 S. Lake Mitchell Drive, Cadillac, Michigan 49601, until 2:00 p.m. Local Time, Thursday, February 29, 2024, at which time and place said Bids will be opened and publicly read aloud for the following approximate scope of work:
Rehabilitation of approximately 20 grinder pump stations, replacing exterior valves, and restoration.
All inquiries shall be directed to Wade Trim, Inc. 10850 E. Traverse Highway, Ste. 2260, Traverse City, Michigan, 49684, Damian Curry, PE at 231.947.7400.
To view digital bid advertisement, bid specifications and plans, please use the link below. Hardcopies can be reviewed at Lake Mitchell Sewer Authority, 3161 S. Lake Mitchell Drive, Cadillac, Michigan, 49601.